Womens Sailing
Women’s Sailing in the Caribbean
You Don’t Need to Be a Bruiser
OK, girls, here’s what I say! I’m 5’3″ and 55 kilos (most days), I’m not a feminist, but neither am I a poor little missey who needs help with the winching; I don’t want to win regattas (in fact I don’t have much of a competitive streak at all), I just like to be competent and capable and to know how to get the best out of my boat…without being too obsessive! Oh, and most of all, I just LOVE being out on the water. Womens sailing is about being smart, it’s about using techniques and tools so you can sail efficiently and safely. Even if you’re not built like a Russian shot-putter, you can still do everything the musclemen can do and then some!
Women Often Don’t Get a Look In!
Lets face facts, whether you’re a seasoned sailor or not, single or partnered, if you’re on a boat with a bloke you tend not to get much of a look in….in anything…well perhaps the cooking & the laundry![pullquote_right]”you don’t have to be built like a Russian Shot-putter”[/pullquote_right] They don’t really mean to keep us to one side, it’s just that sailing’s such a physical sport and they love to flex their muscles for us!
With a womens sailing holiday on Ibis you get to have a go, too! In fact, you don’t just get to have a go, you get to have a go at everything! I’ll show you how to sweat ropes, use a winch like a pro, clean the propeller, navigate to a safe anchorage, reverse into the marina and rescue a man from the water….I can also show you a great recipe for Tortilla Espagnol and how to catch and clean a fish!
It Can be Intimidating Getting Started
For beginner sailors and particularly for shy single women, I haven’t forgotten just how intimidating it can be trying to learn new skills in this mucho macho male dominated sailing world! The normal entrance routes to sailing through a yacht club or sailing class involve some serious interaction with the opposite sex, and if you don’t know very much about sailing it’s easy to feel that you don’t belong there.
Once you know how to sail , well, you can usually use your feminine wiles (yes, you know you have them!) to get your voice heard in the end.
Ability & Confidence = Safety
The thing is, even if you’re quite happy doing the washing up and making dinner on board, there may come a time when you absolutely HAVE to take control of the boat, in fact lives may depend on it. [pullquote_left]”raise the bar on your skill level, push your limits & learn new techniques”[/pullquote_left]For this reason alone, you need to raise the bar on your skill level, to push your limits and to learn new techniques so that you have the confidence and the ability to do this if you need to.
Be All You Can Be
No-one’s saying you need to be the next Ellen McArthur (unless you want to be) just be what you know you can be; a competent, confident and capable woman!
And Don’t worry if you’re just starting out
We sail with all levels of experience on our womens sailing holidays, from complete beginners through to seasoned sailors. And your skipper is a woman, a commercial Yachtmaster and RYA Cruising Instructor so she will help you to hone your existing skills and learn some new ones along the way. Places are limited on each trip and we take a maximum of 5 guests, so don’t be slow in getting your name down!
Drop me a line and book up for a single sailing adventure today….
Why Womens Sailing with Ibis?
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Sailing for Single Women
There’s something about sailing; it’s not for everyone, but if it gets into your blood there’s no looking back. And there’s something about people who sail, too…..they’re
If you prefer a mixed crew, then maybe you’ll discover your new passion…no, not a partner, Sailing!
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Adventures Sailing
Def’n: ad•ven•ture
(ad ven ′ c ̸ h ə r, ə d-)
1. the encountering of danger
2. a daring, hazardous undertaking
3. an unusual, stirring experience, often of a romantic nature
transitive verb
adventured -•tured, adventuring -•tur•ing
1. to put in danger; risk; venture
2. to be bold about; dare
intransitive verb
1. to engage in daring undertakings
2. to take a risk
…by its very nature is adventurous; there is no predictability, just the age old battle of pitting your wits against the elements.
Throw in a smattering of historic sea battles, buried treasure & pirate stories, active volcanoes & wild, untamed rainforest and you have the recipe for a memorable adventure!
[button link=”https://www.yachtibis.com/sailingholidays/oursailingholidays/adventuresailingholidays/”]Go to our Adventure Sailing Holidays[/button]
Womens Sailing holidays
A womens sailing holiday on Ibis is much more than a holiday; it’s an adventure, it’s a chance to get so far away from your life in the office that it fades into nothingness…at least for a little while. Time starts to slow down, and you can actually feel yourself blood pressure falling….relaaaax…..relaaaax….
So even if you’ve never been sailing before , why not give it a try? Surely it’s better to learn in paradise than a cold, rainy day on the Solent!
So what are you waiting for? Do something different next holiday…come sailing!
[button link=”https://www.yachtibis.com/sailingholidays/oursailingholidays/womensailingholidays/”]Go to our Women Only Sailing Holidays[/button]
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