Sailing in St Lucia
St Lucia
The Eastern-most of the Lesser Antilles chain, St Lucia is the first stop for many sailors traversing the Atlantic. High rain forest covered hills, waterfall hikes, beautiful beaches and a lively local vibe all combine to make the country a favourite destination for honeymooners. Most of the larger resorts are based on the Northeast of the island, but the rest of St Lucia is a back to nature paradise of rainforests, thermal springs and the Pitons National Park.
- [fac_icon icon=”star”] Rainforest hills & Tropical Scenery
- [fac_icon icon=”star”] Good hiking
- [fac_icon icon=”star”] Pitons Natural Park
- [fac_icon icon=”star”] Sandy beaches
- [fac_icon icon=”star”] Colourful & lively local towns
- [fac_icon icon=”star”] International dining options
- [fac_icon icon=”star”] Good snorkelling
[fac_icon icon=”plane”] FLIGHTS
St Lucia has 2 airports; Vigie (SLU) to the North and Hewanorra (UVF) in the South. Virgin Atlantic flights from several worldwide origin points, and Air Caraibes from France fly into SLU where they connect easily with local inter-island airlines – LIAT and Air Caraibes. American Airlines also fly into SLU via Barbados or St Thomas in the USVI.
British Airways, Westjet, Air Canada and direct flights from the US with Delta or American Airlines fly into the larger UVF airport to the South. Hewanorra has no local inter-island airlines attached which can make it a bit more difficult to organise connections. Travel between the two airports is via a very scenic but winding 60 minute bus or taxi ride costing around USD $100 per person.
[fac_icon icon=”anchor”] YACHTING FACILITIES
St Lucia is, so far, refreshingly little developed. The marina facilities on the Island are concentrated at the North West with a major facility at Rodney Bay and a smaller, more picturesque location in Marigot. Deepm swiftly shelving coastline elsewhere on the island makes anchoring difficult and Mooring Bouys are in operation. Many of these are owned and controlled by the National Parks Authority. If necessary we will call into Rodney Bay for taking on water, otherwise we can expect to spend our nights on a mooring under the stars.
[fac_icon icon=”cutlery”] EATING ASHORE
St Lucia has some lovely, high quality restaurants concentrated in the North of the island close to the major resort areas. Elsewhere you can expect a typical Caribbean menu which consists of fish, chicken or pork accompanied by rice and beans, provisions and a local cabbage based salad.
[fac_icon icon=”glass”] NIGHTLIFE
There are one or two nightspots in St Lucia near to Rodney Bay in the North, but elsewhere expect a quiet time with most places winding down between 9 and 10pm.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”white” align=”align_center”][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]
About Sailing in St Lucia
[fac_icon icon=”picture-o”] Location & History, Topography & People
The extinct volcanic cones that are the Pitons dominate the landscape to the South of St Lucia, towering over the main town of Soufriere and plunging down into the waters below. This part of the island has black sand beaches and steep, windy roads zigzagging through thick rainforest to bubbling sulphur springs and small waterfalls.
The Northern end of the island boasts the huge horseshoe shaped Rodney Bay with white sand beaches and major resorts. Travel between the two ends of the island takes time and patience, either by car or by water taxi and for this reason there is a distinct difference in the island vibe between the two. Soufriere has a very local feel, bustling and lively with local bars and restaurants; Rodney Bay is more cosmopolitan with a plethora of restaurants and shops catering to the tourist trade.
Now a member of the British Commonwealth, St lucia changed hands many times during the trade wars with the French and most of the place names are from the French rule. Creole is widely spoken amongst the local population.
[fac_icon icon=”exclamation”] Why sail in St Lucia
St Lucia had a picturesque coast with deep water close to shore. Sailing in the lee of the island you can often spot dolphins and pilot whales fairly close to shore. Humpback whales may also be spotted between February and May. Flat water and onshore-offshore breezes can make for some exciting reaches when sailing in St Lucia, although the wind can be a bit flukey close to shore.
The deep water moorings close to the cliffs at Soufriere and below the Pitons, provide excellent snorkelling right from the back of the boat and the lush rainforest backdrop offers atmospheric tropical scenery often backed with high clouds and rainbows. Elsewhere, there are a few accessible stopping points, each with postcard views.
[fac_icon icon=”map-marker”] Where we stop and why
Rodney Bay Marina is sited in a completely man made and purpose built lagoon just behind Rodney Bay. Its modern facilities close to an international strip of restaurants and resorts can provide a respite for those missing creature comforts.
We prefer the more local and engaging stops at Marigot Bay; a picture postcard mooring point in a natural harbour hidden behind a row of palms, or Soufriere; the lively local town just beneath the Pitons. Here we can experience a more relaxed and natural side of St Lucia. What better than to wake up beneath a cliff dripping with vines, to hear the birds and watch the fish teeming around the hull…
[fac_icon icon=”binoculars”] Things to see and do
Climb a piton, hike to a waterfall, bathe in a sulphur spring or zipline, cycle or ride a horse through the rainforest; there are many things to occupy you in St Lucia.
It’s not the cheapest of islands though, and taxi prices are pretty steep, as is hiring a car; a local driving licence purchase is compulsory.
[fac_icon icon=”eye”] Special Local Events
Jounen Kweyol Day
[fac_icon icon=”flask”] Combines with…
Our sailing holidays originating out of, or visiting St Lucia typically include stops to the North or South. Heading south, we can visit St Vincent and the Grenadines in a 10 day trip; Northerly routes can include Martinique and Dominica.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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Our Sailing Holidays that Include St Lucia
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